Tattoo Artist, Actor, & Author Brandon Garic Notch

Brandon Garic Notch is an independent Artist, Storyteller, Writer, Actor, Philanthropist, member of San Bernardino Masonic Lodge number 178, and a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Freemason. Brandon is an accomplished artist, internationally recognized and well-known in the tattoo industry, with interests in fitness, philosophy, nature, art, science, and consciousness studies.

Birthday: April 16, 1979
Height: 6'1" (6 ft 1 in)
Weight: 230 pounds
Gender: Male
Hair: Brown (Reddish Brown)
Hair Length: Medium, - growing it out.
Eyes: Green

Coat: 48
Coat Length: regular
Sleeve: 35
Dress shirt: 17 34/35
T-Shirt: XXL, Extra Extra Large
Waist: 38
Inseam: 32
Shoe: 10 1/2
Neck: 18
Chest: 49 inch


Direct Contact-
Brandon Garic Notch
Tel: 323.614.6768

Other Representation-
Manager / Legal Representation:
Michael D. Kolodzi, Attorney at Law.
1801 Century Park East, Suite 2500
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tel: 310.556.9688
Fax: 310.861.8707
Cel: 502.939.1249